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Listener questions on the year’s biggest politics stories

The spring sitting on Parliament Hill is coming to a close.
There’s been a lot to keep track of — the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, the introduction of a pharmacare bill, a federal budget that brought big changes to taxes on capital gains — not to mention intelligence reports of foreign interference. On June 3, a report from the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) revealed that some elected officials were either unwitting or witting participants in foreign interference.
Naturally, all this left listeners with a lot of questions. In the season finale of “It’s Political,” Toronto Star journalists and David Coletto of Abacus Data join to break down questions from listeners and readers.
In this episode: CEO of Abacus Data David Coletto, Toronto Star Deputy Ottawa Bureau Chief Stephanie Levitz, Toronto Star Ottawa Bureau Chief Tonda MacCharles. Hosted by Althia Raj.
Clips this week were sourced from the Canadian Parliamentary Press Gallery, CPAC, BNN, CBC, CTV, BBC, Sky News, and City News, Nate Erskine-Smith’s Uncommons podcast. 
This episode of “It’s Political” was produced by Althia Raj and Michal Stein. Kevin Sexton mixed the program. Joy SpearChief-Morris assisted with production. Our theme music is by Isaac Joel.
Listen here and follow or subscribe at Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts or wherever you listen to your favourite podcasts.
Suggested Readings:
National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians’ Special Report on Foreign Interference in Canada’s Democratic Processes and Institutions
Elizabeth May says a former MP should be investigated for foreign interference — but saw no evidence traitors are sitting in the Commons after reading top-secret report
Canadian MPs aiding foreign interference? A new report claims it’s happened — but doesn’t say who did it
‘Maybe the knives come out’: If the Liberals lose this Toronto byelection, Justin Trudeau could be in big trouble
Behind the scenes, Conservatives are furious with one of their MPs over comments on podcast that defied Pierre Poilievre’s wishes
